Friday, July 5, 2013

A Trail with a Tale...

Raccoon Trail Entrance
- so named by me -

Who would have thought that so much beauty exists in this great big city. Yes...another hidden trail right here in Miami!  Where: west of Old Cutler Road and Matheson Park.

What hidden adventures awaits this Zen Runner?
It's really easy to get to and long enough to provide a little peace and tranquility from the hustle and bustle of city living. should be prepared to ward off The Raccoon.

"STOP! Where do you think you're going!" says the  raccon

Yes, that's right. This little fella stopped me dead in my track. Out of nowhere, I saw this monster ready to leap into the air and make me his meal. 

Now I know what you're thinking...Raccon cannot jump?! Wrong kemosabi...I've seen enough Man vs Wild, Dual Survival, and Turtleman shows to know better.  For one thing Raccoons are nocturnal mammal. If you see one during the day you better watch out. Most likely it's hungry and looking for food. AND, since 40% of a Raccoons diet are invertebrates I really didn't want to find out if I was on the menu today.

Now the question becomes...what to do? 

I couldn't go forward and I didn't want to go back. So I thought about that new docu-drama on the Discovery channel. You know the one..."Nake and Afraid." What would those folks do in a situation like this? Of course I'm not naked, I don't have a camera crew to document this encounter, and there is no quick evacuation for me in case I'm bitten by this rabbi induced creature. 

I thought about throwing a rock or a stick but then thought he just might come charging at me. Nope...that's out.

I thought about throwing my water bottle but then thought he just might like a nice cool drink on a hot morning like this. But, if I threw my water at him how would I hydrate going back to the car. Nope...not a good idea.

Then I thought about telling him a story I had once heard a long time ago. 

It goes like this:

Dear Mr Raccoon, let me tell you a story. There once was a dangerous monster who ravaged the land. The monster was so frightening that the very mention of his name made people scream in terror. With eyes black as night, wings that covered the sky, teeth the size of icebergs, people who met him never survived. Even many a valiant night knight died in an attempt to defeat the monster. But then a wise wizard arrived and made the monster disappear with a spell. This spell transformed the monster into...the human hand. And that hand IS THIS RIGHT HERE...ARRRGGG!!!!"

Raccoon runs up a tree, clearing the path once again for all to pass. 

"Ok...I can pass!"

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